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    Ginger and Bobby Theme Song

Meet Donna

Biking was one our favorite things to do. We could ride up to 120KM in a day


One of our cruises we were on. Anytime we did a cruise we always had a great time. We've meet a lot of people and to this day we are still friends.

The cruise ships is where Bobby started to practice his karaoke singing and he's actually gotten good at it. But don't tell him that, he will get a big head. We will have some of his video's on the site soon

The front page of Onlyyoudad is dedicated to My Ginger ( Best Friend) who had ALS and suffered for 6 years. In those six years we continued to travel in a wheelchair. She passed away Nov 12th 2023. Here are some pictures of our adventures together.

71 Countries 1298 Cities in 25 years together.

We met Online in 1999. Bobby was in Canada and his was making plans on coming to Orlando Florida where I was living, for a Convention, he also was bringing his Daughter, Son-in-Law- Son and the grandchildren. He was wanting to know if we could meet and have some dinner; I thought well he must be safe, so I told him yes that would be nice,

Two Senior merging 9 children, 11 grandchildren and 5 great grandkids living out their youth traveling around the world.. We are called the baby boomers born in the 50's and 60's when life was simple. When kids played baseball, hockey, football, went to sock hops and the soda shop. If you were lucky your family had a black and white TV, a party line phone, and one car to go to the movies. The teenagers would hang out at the soda shop, go skating at the skating rink or go to the dances at the dance hall in town. On weekends some of the families would get together at the Grandparents home, helping grandmother and grandfather on the farm with their crops or live stock.

Today Bobby and Ginger travel to see our grandchildren in Canada and USA, because both parents work and its easier for the grandparents to go to the children homes. We have children all over North America and we no longer travel in our RV to see all the children and grandchildren.. We now have a Home in Ridgeway Ontario. We still travel to find 50's and 60's concerts in and around Niagara Falls or local fairs. We are big fans of the 50's and 60's groups. Over the last few years we like to cruise with Norwegian, you will see lots of pages on places we have been in the world. I hope you enjoy the site and return often to see any additions.

London 2012

April 7 1999 When we started our Journey


Eiffel Tower Paris France

Our official date. Bobby was doing a convention in San Antonio, so he decided to fly me over to spend a few days with him, to top things off his birthday was the next day April 7th.We had a great time and I had found one of his favorite 45 records to add to his collection Nobody But Me The Human Beinz Got 24 years of fun for a 2 dollar investment. LOL!!! San Antonio is a beautiful Town, the river walk is very romantic and lots of fun. We spent the weekend together and we got ready to leave we were having so much fun that we didn't realize it was daylight saving and we got to airport 1 hour late to catch our flights. Lucky for me I was able to get on my flight but Bobby missed his ( that's what you get for having too much fun) and had to wait the next day to catch another one.

This is how we should all remember Ginger laugh.
Click here



Karaoke night March 2023

Cruising on NCL 2020
Karaoke March 3th 2023 Ginger has ALS Theme Nights on the Ship 2018 Cruising in 2019

Malt Shop Cruise

Christmas Day Ridgeway

Valentines Day NCL Cruise

Powerscourt Quebec 2020

Rock and Roll Night NCL

Dress up Night NCL

Cruising NCL GEM

Cruising NCL Rock and Roll Night

Hippie Party in Ridgeway

Concert at Sea Rock and Roll Cruise

Karaoke Fort Erie

Halloween Party Napanee House 2007
    Malt Shop Cruise Bower


Our Rock and Roll Shoes
Malt Shop Rock and roll Cruise

August 19th Ginger dress Nikki and Robbie wedding August 19th Ginger and Bobby Nikki and Robbie wedding Xmas Day 2007 Napanee on our golf course

Biking was one our favorite things to do. We could ride up to 120KM in a day